Do-it-yourself brick planters are a simple design that adds an elegant touch to any area of your home. If you want something with a rustic look or need garden storage, a brick planter is a great option that is both easily made and easy on the budget. They are attractive and make plants easy to see and access. Our DIY Brick Planter Plans come complete with tips on how to build a brick planter that is functional but also beautiful.
Many different DIY Brick planter Plans can be made from bricks and mortar, including small plants that can sit on a patio or large plants that enhance the landscape around your home.
Brick Planter Box Ideas
These Brick Planter DIY Plans will teach you how to use cement blocks and bricks to create a unique planter that can withstand the elements without being ruined. It is simple and easy to follow, allowing you to make it independently without having any previous experience.
Brick planters add a lot of character to a home and can be used to improve the look of outdoor living areas. These DIY Brick Planter Ideas are perfect for new do-it-yourselfers who haven't started yet or for more experienced landscapers looking for something new!
See Also
Are Bricks Safe For Raised Beds?
Bricks are an attractive option for raised beds. They are durable, attractive, and easily accessible at home improvement stores or garden centres. They can be masoned permanently or stacked as retaining wall blocks to create an easily dismantled raised bed that can be moved around the landscape and reused in different locations.
How To Make A Brick-Raised Garden Planter:
This Brick planter DIY tutorial shows how to make a great-looking, raised brick planter garden. It uses reclaimed bricks and is topped with beautiful paving slabs to construct the planter. It also shows how to build a soakaway for excess water. This tutorial will take you from start to finish to create your raised garden planter with a built-in soakaway. It has a lip at the front for growing climbing plants, such as cucumbers, beans, and peas.
How To Line A Brick Planter:
The DIY Brick Planter Box is a beautiful addition to any home. This planter box is built with your garden in mind, and it's easy to customize so that you can add a personal touch to each planter. The brick planter box is a versatile DIY, and you can place it anywhere in your home. The Bunnings Brick Box will customize with bricks or stones, allowing you to create the perfect look for your outdoor space. The DIY planter box will help you build a great little box to add some style to your home or garden. This container has been designed using the best possible material and parts, created by professionals who know what they are doing.
- Materials: Bricks, brickies sand, spray paint marker, 500 mm x 150 mm x 30 mm concrete risers, cement, exterior paint, hydrated lime, sponge, star pickets, string line.
- Tools: Brickies trowel bucket, cement mixer, cold chisel, ear protection, dust mask, hammer, jointing tool, pointing trowel, paintbrush, rubber mallet
- Difficulty: Beginner
Red Brick Planter Bed:
This modern brick planter is a simple and beautiful way to upgrade your garden and be a focal point in your home. In addition to providing much-needed drainage, this brick planter will give your soil the perfect amount of sun. You may be wondering why you should use bricks instead of other materials, such as wood or plastic. The answer is that bricks offer the highest durability and aesthetic appeal. With this plan, you can build a raised garden bed out of discarded bricks collected from your local area.
- Materials: Mortar mix, bricks.
- Tools: mortarboard: wheelbarrow, mortar hoe, mason's line, brick set chisel, pointing trowel, join tracking tool, joint pointer
- Difficulty: Beginner
DIY Upcycled Brick Planter Box Plan:
Brick planters are a great way to add a sophisticated and naturally beautiful look to your backyard or front patio. These brick planters easily bring some organic elements into your yard with materials you might have lying around the house. Brick planter wall are also effortless to make, so you won't have to spend hours in the garage looking for heavy-duty equipment. Everything about the article is geared towards helping you DIY your brick planter box, from what supplies you need, to how to create the frame, add drainage holes and prepare your soil before planting.
Materials for Building Brick Planter Wall.
- Upcycled bricks, soil, stakes, trellis.
- Tools: Mallet, hedge clippers.
- Difficulty: Beginner
How to Build Raised Beds from Reclaimed Bricks:
Raise the beds off the ground with these DIY plans, and you'll have a better growing environment which will help your plants thrive. We show you how to make raised brick beds using reclaimed brick and other materials. Whether you use these plans to create a large enclosure or a small bed, it's an inexpensive way to bring nature closer to your home. On top of that, most people have limited access to bricks, but they do have lots of lumber. So here are the instructions for building a raised bed from reclaimed lumber and recycled bricks.
- Materials: Reclaimed bricks, MOT and sharp sand mix, mortar mix.
- Tools: Gloves, protective eyewear, laser spirit level, string, decking board, mallet, bucket, power drill.
- Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Brick Planter In Front Of House:
Adding the Brick Planter In Front Of House is excellent to add a little interest. This planter uses cinder blocks and some wood pieces, making it very economical. The entryway will have a unique appearance and an interesting conversation piece when friends and family come over.
The Cinder Block Entryway Planter is an inexpensive and practical project. This Single brick planter takes you step-by-step through the process of building your planter, complete with pictures and videos to walk you through each stage. Whether you're looking for a way to add charm to your home without spending a lot of money or just trying to create something unique, this is the perfect project.
- Materials: Pea gravel, cinder blocks, 2" x 4" lumber.
- Tools: Mason chisel, landscape adhesive, concrete sealant, paint, rail planters.
- Difficulty Level: Beginner
Build Brick Planter Without Mortar:
The stone planter box is a great addition to your garden. The design is very thoughtful and well thought out, with the plants growing up and through the stones, adding interest and texture. These DIY stone planter boxes will look stunning in any garden, or you can use them indoors where it is sunny all year long.
Planter boxes are a great way of adding greenery to your yard. On the other hand, you can make them even more functional by building your planter box from bricks. The stone planter boxes we present here will require some DIY skills, but the final effect is guaranteed to be stunning if you complete this project.
- Materials: Stone, drainage rocks.
- Tools: Shovel, paver base, sand, Styrofoam pads, razor blade, masonry glue, landscape fabric.
- Difficulty Level: Beginner
DIY Brick Raised Beds Idea:
Using old bricks, this raised bed plan shows off an elegant, simple design perfect for any size yard. The murphy beds are easy to build, look great and add character to your garden or patio. The Plan uses the old bricks and mortar, so you will not have to buy new materials. The main point of this plan is to give the garden character.
This planter is an excellent addition to any backyard patio and would make a fantastic gift for the DIY-er in your life. This is a great way to have a family meal or conversation in the backyard without heading inside. Take it one step further by decorating this bed with charming planters, plants, and flowers while keeping the built-in seat cushion.
- Materials: Reclaimed brick, mortar, timber, drip line, potting mix, organic additions.
- Tools: Mallet, shovel, level, scissors, etc.
- Difficulty Level: Expert.
How To Build Fence Brick Garden Boxes:
This video shows how I built two simple garden boxes with fence bricks. The first box is 5 feet wide, 3 feet deep, and almost 7 feet tall. The other box I built is twice as big at 10 feet wide, 6 feet deep, and nearly 11 feet tall. Each finished box will provide about 61 square feet of planting area and cost only about $50 each. Unlike most garden boxes with sloped sides, these have vertical sides with a few courses of bricks at the top to hold the soil the same way a block retaining wall does.