I've always been intrigued by solar water heaters and have wanted to make one for as long as I can remember. While going through articles and guides, it seems that most DIY solar water heater projects require extensive water systems and plumbing know-how. So, in this article, I have tried my best to present simple and easy instructions on how to build your solar water heater while not requiring you to be an expert at such things.
We have compiled all our DIY solar water heater projects and listed them here to make them easy for you guys to enjoy. Each one of these projects is quite simple and can be done over the weekend or in a couple of days. You will be amazed at the efficiency of some of these projects and how easy they are to make at home with minimal materials, tools and skills.
1. DIY Solar Water Heater
This DIY tutorial will teach you how to make an inexpensive solar water heater. You can use this to heat up the swimming pool, your shower or even your kitchen sink! All you need is stained plywood, copper tubing and some tools, which are easily purchasable from any hardware store. Start by drilling holes in the plywood, then wrap the copper tubing around it and secure it with zip ties. Finally, attach a pipe-garden hose adapter to the other end of the tube. Then place it somewhere where it can catch some sunshine!
2. How To Build A Solar Water Heater
It's a video tutorial on constructing a simple solar water heater. This is not a very complicated construction; almost anyone can do it if they carefully follow the steps explained in the video. It uses lumber, screws, glass support, PVC and other basic supplies.
3. DIY Solar Water Heater Full Build
DIY solar water heaters are one of the most efficient methods to reduce energy costs. These are cost-effective and easy to build. The first thing you need to do in this DIY solar water heater has gathered the materials and tools.
4. How To Make Solar Water Heater
Do you need hot water but don't have the cash? No problem! Make your solar water heater with this easy-to-follow video tutorial. You will need a small gallon barrel, wires, copper tubing, and a voltmeter. In just a few minutes and for very little money, you can construct your solar water heater and never pay for hot water again.
5. DIY Solar Water Heater
Now you can use a solar collector to make your water heater and save hundreds of dollars each year on hot water! This new design will use the sun's energy directly to heat the water. The more clean glass windows and doors we can recycle, the better to help stop pollution. This simple project takes a weekend or two to make and install. The basic construction procedure is simple: cut materials to size, glue in place with caulking, screw in place with self-tapping screws, solder copper in place with a propane torch or MAPP gas, drill holes for piping as necessary, paint with barbecue black spray paint for maximum efficiency.
6. Homemade Solar Water Heater
This solar water heater was made basically from bottles (plastic and glass). Other than bottles, these are the materials used; tin foil, vacuum pump, electrical tape, caulk, rubber hose, styrofoam, and a piece of plastic or cardboard.
First, prepare the plastic bottles and cut them off the bottom. Then, drill a hole in one of the bottoms that were cut off. Let the hole be big enough to fit the mouth of the glass bottle.
7. Batch Solar Water Heater DIY
It would help if you had an old tank for this batch solar water heater. Look around the water heater tank and ensure it doesn't leak; if it does, you can patch it with a hardening sealant.
Then, start to prepare the tank. Remove every unnecessary part from the casing, and remove the casing and styrofoam.
After that, start building the wooden box to house the water heater tank.
8. Pool Solar Water Heater DIY
The first step in constructing this solar water greater has to make a frame for the water pipes. This is made from an L-shaped steel rod.
Cut the rod to form a rectangle. On the shorter side of the rectangle, make a dent with a hole saw where the pipes will fit.
9. How To Make Solar Water Heater
This is made from a plastic 45-gallon barrel, plastic water tap, and plugs. Start by preparing the barrel and the plug. Drill two holes at the bottom of the barrel. Then, Insert both plugs into each hole.
10. Solar Water Heater Homemade
How to make a homemade solar water heater. After watching this video tutorial, you can construct solar water heaters by yourself. It is not very easy, but I'm sure you will get the hang of it.
11. DIY Solar Hot Water Heater
Do you know black is a good absorber of heat? That is why it is important to paint most parts of your solar water heater black to enhance the heat absorption capacity.
The first step you need to take before this solar water heater can be yours is to get a black poor, plywood sheet, and strips of wood. Make a frame from the plywood and strips. Paint the surface of the frame in black, then attach the black like to it.
12. How To Build Your Own Solar Water Heater
Do you want to learn how to make a solar water heater? Then you've come to the right tutorial video.
In the video, you will learn the importance of building a water heater, the materials and tools required, and the general steps involved in the construction. Check out the link below to know more.
13. DIY Simple Solar Water Heater
His is a simple solar water heater with different parts; water collector, tank, frame, and tools. You will need a Coroplast plastic sheet, ABS tubing, ABS caps, threaded ½″ hose nipples, a cartridge of silicone adhesive/sealant suitable for plastic, and a can of flat black spray paint.
You will also need a sheet of plywood, a sheet of polystyrene, 2×3 x 8′, a transparent plastic sheet, and misc screws and staples.
The making process is pretty much basic.
14. Solar Water Heater DIY Tutorial
Do you know copper has a high thermal conductivity? This means it can easily absorb solar heat and pass it to the water inside. The color of the pipe is very important because black works more effectively.
Preferably, attach the copper tubing to the aluminum sheet because the aluminum sheet enhances the absorption capacity of the copper tubing.
15. Passive Solar Water Heater
For the general design of this solar water heater, double-wall polycarbonate was used as the main channel which water passes through.
Then, get a plastic 45-gallon barrel. Fix 2 bungs to it; one at the bottom aligns with the solar panel and the other even with the top of the panel.
16. Solar Water Bottle Heater
This is super amazing and very easy to DIY. Making solar water heated from a water bottle. It is super cheap, fast, and functional. Click the link below to learn more about the amazing solar water bottle heater.
17. DIY Solar Heater
You can make this solar heater from a bilge pump, a low volt water pump used to remove water from boats. Other materials include a garden hose (50 meters), wood to fix the garden hose, a drill, speed square, hand saw, and screws.
The first thing the instructor did after gathering the tools and materials was that she start building the frame for the garden hose.
18. How To Build A Batch Solar Water, Heater
For this batch solar water heater, it is good to use high-temperature black paint. To keep the water tank heating very high inside the water batch water heater. The video tutorial makes the work less tedious and amazing. You can find assistance as well when doing this to make it fast.
19. DIY Solar Pool Heater
This is made from a twin wall polycarbonate sheet, PVC fish tank connector, garden hose pipe(expandable flexible), digital kitchen thermostat, garden quick connector, and high carbon steel vibration saw blade. The process is simple. Learn more from the video above.
20. How To Make A Solar Water Heater At Home
This is among the simplest solar water heaters you can make at home. It doesn't require many materials, time, or money. All you need is a coke bottle, aluminum foil, and pipe. Drill a hole in the cap of the bottle. Wrap one side of the bottle with aluminum foil (use super glue to make it seal well). Then feel the bottle with water and use the oil as the stand. Make the water bottle stand at an angle.